Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jess & Stuart, A Sunday Drive....

Hi All,
You may recognize Stuart and Jess from their infamous cow pasture engagement shoot! They got married September 6th and what a wedding!
I asked Jess to tell their story. I think it's much more meaningful to hear a couple's story in their own words....
I am going to start to encourage all my couple's, if their up to it, to share their story as well.

Stuart and Jess: "What a truly amazing day! Thank you so much for giving me the honor and the privilege to document your Sunday Drive."
Much Love,
T. Jess's own words....

Our Sunday Drive – Sunday, September 6, 2009
"When Stuart and I were first introduced, he was too busy for a date. It was October in upstate New York and Stuart is a dairy farmer, which means he works from sun up to sun down harvesting the more than 700 acres of corn that he and his family grow for their 1,000 milk cows.

Growing up on a dairy farm myself, I understood the lifestyle. In fact, that’s what drew us to each other – our passion for agriculture, but also our appreciation for the simple things in life. So when Stuart asked me to marry him two and a half years later, I wasn’t going to wait for corn again. Instead, we incorporated it into our wedding, along with all the other simple things we enjoy, and got married this past Labor Day weekend, just before the annual ritual of corn harvest.

Sunday is considered a day of rest in Stuart’s family, which means they only work six hours in comparison to their normal 14. So naturally, Sunday is our day together and many are spent driving around the back roads of rural Washington County. Stuart scouts corn and hay fields, and I scout for ice cream and antiques. One day we found our perfect antique – a 1956 International pickup truck with the original paint. We offered to buy it, but the owner wasn’t selling; however he did offer us to borrow the truck for our wedding, which quickly turned into the theme for our wedding – A Sunday Drive. We featured the red truck prominently on our invitations and it played a critical role in delivering me to the site that I would say “I do.”

We got married at The Historic Barns at Nipmoose in Buskirk, New York – one of the first places Stuart ever brought me on our infamous Sunday drives. The owner of the barns rents her land to Stuart’s family and she had just restored these two beautiful and majestic buildings. Dating back to the early 1700’s, these barns sit atop a hill, overlooking the productive lands of the Hoosic River valley. Stuart and I both admitted months later, that it was at that moment, we knew we’d be married there on that hill.

The sheer presence of the barns is one not to compete with. So rather than traditional décor made of imported flowers, Gardenworks of Salem helped us choose native, mile-high corn stalks with golden tassels and yellow ears busting out of their husks instead. We complimented the corn with sunflowers and black-eyed susans, tired from a long summer and added to them fresh fall mums and greens picked from along the road. Displays were made using as many old milk cans, canning jars and antique knick-knacks as we could round up.

For dinner, we munched on our favorite – cheeseburgers! (Remember, we like simple.) Longfellows out of Saratoga did a phenomenal job of listening to our every desire and delivered – all the way to Buskirk. We wanted country, yet classy. With 275 people at the reception, we couldn’t afford fancy, even if that’s what we wanted. Instead, our guests enjoyed hand-packed burgers grilled to perfection with an assortment of toppings, mac-n-cheese, a variety of summer salads, yummy baked beans and what else, but locally grown corn on the cob. As the evening cooled off, piping hot apple crisp served with whipped cream was a crowd pleaser.

As much thought that was put into the reception, equal energy was spent on the ceremony. We wanted our guests to feel the excitement and passion we shared for each other that day and to do so, we chose to use untraditional music and wrote personalized vows for the ceremony. As a 36-year old, first-time bride, I walked down the aisle to Etta James’ “At Last” and we left to the fun-loving “All You Need is Love” by the Beatles. Stuart and I read vows written for each other that surprisingly each included a quip from our favorite TV show, declaring “Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Lose.” Guests were also included in the ceremony when a friend read a responsive prayer, asking the audience to recite “Bless this Day.” And in lieu of favors, we made a contribution to our local land conservancy group, the Agricultural Stewardship Association, that protects farmland from development so that the spectacular vista we enjoyed on our wedding day could be preserved for generations to come.

With the exchange of two metal bands, Stuart and I experienced the Sunday drive of a lifetime. We were able to connect friends and family from across the aisle and across the country, honor our rural landscape and heritage, support fellow local farmers by serving their products, and declare our love and commitment to each other with the people that we love. And we danced! We danced until we couldn’t dance any more! It was a great day! And it was all documented by our talented and passionate photographer Tracey Buyce who effortlessly captured every moment and emotion perfectly."

Wedding Vendors:
Caterer – Longfellows of Saratoga Springs (
Florist – Gardenworks of Salem (
DJ – Mike “Odie” Boslet of Palatine Bridge
Transportation – DuFour Tours (
Assistants – Owen Chittenden (bride’s brother) and Michelle Schreiner (friend)

I have three weddings this weekend, put a smile on my face and leave a comment or two...



Jess and Stuart chose to see each other before the ceremony, this was the most perfect spot for their first siting...


Both of Jess's grandmother's walked her down the aisle.
What a moment...everyone was crying, including me...


I could not get enough of this truck......

I love,love,love this image...Thank you Norman Rockwell!



The property was

This image was Jess's idea. Love it!

Rock on AC/DC!!!!

Jess's has been best friends with her maid of honor, Jennifer, for 30 years. Her speech brought Jess to tears, it was really beautiful...

Corn + wedding rings= :)


Jane Cato said...

Sa-weeet! Love all the images and stories! Congratulations to all.

Unknown said...

Ok, you got me crying again - and I haven't cried looking at these pictures for at least a week :) These images are great, Tracey! Thank you! Truly! For your talent and skill, your passion for your work, your excitement to capture these moments for others - and for helping me do my makeup that day!!! You are a very special person and I'm so glad I found you! You did an amazing job shooting our wedding - and I can't wait to invite you back to Buskirk to take family photos some day! Thank you so much!!!

Katie said...

I love these images! The AC/DC shot is too fun. You are simply great.
Katie O'

Sheila and Todd Hewitt said...

Tracey, I have to agree with Jessica. Thank you so very much for everything that wonderful day. and after reading your story, I know why you are so talented and passionate about your photos and life.

Beth said...

The coolest thing about your photos is that you're able to capture who people really are - something that really doesn't happen that often. Every time I look at one of these wedding posts, I feel like I actually know the couple - that in itself is a testament to your talent!!!! These are great - and I absolutely LOVE the "Sunday Drive!!!" Shouldn't we all do that more often?!?!?!

Rachel said...

These are so amazing... my mouth is practically hanging open! LOL. Normally, I'm a sucker for the vintage inspired b&w or sepia photos complete with nostalgic mementos, etc. But these color images literally take my breath away! The truck, the hay, everything. Absolutely AMAZING!